Club Safety

The safety and well-being of young people is our number one priority.

The priority of Boys & Girl Club of Cape Cod is the physical and emotional safety of its members, staff and volunteers. Boys & Girls Club of Cape Cod maintains a zero-tolerance policy for child abuse. Boys & Girls Club of Cape Cod implements policies and procedures for members, employees, volunteers, visitors or any victims of sexual abuse or misconduct to report any suspicion or allegation of abuse.

Staff and Volunteer Standards

All employees and volunteers at school, camp, day care and other agencies working with children to have criminal background checks every three years. It is the policy of the Boys & Girls Clubs of Cape Cod to require annual state and national criminal and sexual offender record background checks for all employees, volunteers, and Board members.

Any applicant for employment or for a volunteer position at BGCCC shall be ineligible for any position that entails potential unsupervised contact with children if he or she has been convicted of, or has pending, any charge for any crime in 102 CMR 14.16: Table A and if he or she has been convicted of, or has pending, any charge for any crime in 102 CMR 14.16. Such conduct shall include, but not be limited to the following: 1. criminal charges or a criminal
conviction included in a CORI (Criminal Offender Record Information) report that BGCCC has determined to impair the applicant’s ability to care for children; 2. engaging in, or having engaged in, any other conduct, criminal or otherwise, determined by BGCCC to impair the applicant’s ability to care for children; 3. engaging in, or having engaged in conduct which results in his/her child being adjudicated to be in need of care and protection; 4. allegations of abuse or neglect of a child, supported in a 51A report; 5. use of alcohol or drugs, legal or illegal, to an extent or in a manner that is determined by BGCCC to impair the applicant’s ability to care for children properly. Failure to disclose relevant criminal history will result in mandatory disqualification.

Every staff member or volunteer of Boys & Girls Club of Cape Cod who becomes aware of or has suspicion of child abuse or neglect must immediately report to Club leadership. Club leadership is responsible for reporting the incident immediately to the appropriate authorities according to statewide mandated reporting laws, as well as to Boys & Girls Clubs of America (BGCA) within 24 hours via the critical incident system.

Boys and Girl Club of Cape Cod is committed to providing a safe environment. All Club activities and program spaces shall always be under continuous supervision by sight or sound (for restroom supervision) by an appropriately trained staff. Also, there will always be a 1:20 or better staff to children ratio in all program areas

To ensure appropriate supervision, staff and volunteers: 

• Must abide by the prohibition of private one-on-one interaction policy. 

• Must abide by all the organization’s disciplinary policies and procedures. 

• Must ensure that at least one trained staff is present when supervising members. 

• Must always maintain proper supervision ratios. 

• Must be trained on appropriate supervision tactics and behavior patterns. 

• Must ensure that all youth staff and volunteers are supervised by a trained staff staff member. 

• Must immediately notify Club leadership and/or submit written reports detailing supervision issues, accidents or critical incidents. 

• Must never use electronic devices such as cell phones, PDAs or other communication devices while supervising members unless for Club purposes.


Safety incidents that will lead to internal and/or external reporting can include but are not limited to: 

• Inappropriate activity between adults (18 and over) and youth; 

• Inappropriate activity between multiple youth; 

• Allegations of abuse; 

• Bullying behavior; 

• Inappropriate electronic communications between adults (18 or over) and youth; 

• Minor and major medical emergencies; 

• Accidents, including slips and falls; 

• Threats made by or against staff, volunteers and/or members; 

• Physical assaults and injuries, including fights; 

• Missing children;

• Criminal activity, including theft and robbery; 

• Other incidents as deemed appropriate by Club leadership. 

Safety incidents include those that occur during Club programs, on Club premises and/or during a Club affiliated program or trip. 


Any employee or volunteer who becomes aware of an incident, as defined in this policy, shall immediately complete an incident report and submit the incident to Club leadership.  

The following information shall be included on an Incident Report: 

• Date and location 

• Incident details (if applicable) 

• Witnesses and contact information 

• Names of all involved (youth and staff if applicable) 

• All notifications made (first responders, parents, leadership, etc.) 


Boys & Girls Club of Cape Cod follows all applicable mandated reporting statutes and regulations and all applicable federal, state and local laws (including those around licensing, for licensed organizations) for the protection and safety of youth. Types of incidents reported include but are not limited to: 

• Inappropriate activity between adults (18 or over) and youth; 

• Inappropriate activity between multiple youth; 

• Allegations of child abuse; 

• Any form of child pornography; 

• Criminal activity, including assault, theft and robbery;

• Children missing from the premises. 


Boys & Girls Club of Cape Cod takes all incidents seriously and is committed to supporting external investigations of all reported incidents and allegations or internal investigations by the Safety Committee when not an externally reportable incident. Federal, state and local criminal and or mandated child abuse reporting laws must be complied with before any consideration of an internal investigation. The internal investigation should never be viewed as a substitute for a required criminal or child protective services investigation. In the event that an incident involves an allegation against a staff member, volunteer or Club member, the Club shall suspend that individual immediately (employees with pay) and maintain the suspension throughout the course of the investigation.


To keep the members and staff safe and to protect against theft and other misdeeds, it is the policy of the Boys & Girls Club of Cape Cod to employ video cameras throughout the buildings, with the exception of the bathrooms. The cameras are monitored by the Front Desk Attendant real time and only Director and Manager-level staff are allowed to review previous footage. The Boys & Girls Club of Cape Cod will work with law-enforcement bodies in the of a crime or in the assistance of an investigation. 


Boys & Girls Club of Cape Cod is committed to providing a safe use of technology and online safety for members, staff and volunteers. The acceptable use policy provides the framework for those safety practices and procedures. 


Before a member will be allowed to use Club technology equipment or their personal device, both the member and his/her parent/guardian will need to read and sign the Technology Acceptable Use policy, located on membership form and return it to the Club. Under the Technology Acceptable Use policy, the following relevant principles shall apply: Club devices shall include any and all Club-owned existing and/or emerging technologies and devices that can take photographs, play and record audio or video, input text, upload and download content and/or media and transmit or receive messages or images. Personally owned devices shall include any and all member-owned existing and/or emerging technologies and devices that can take photographs, play and record audio or video, input text, upload and download content and/or media and transmit or receive messages or images. Club purposes shall include program activities, career development, communication with experts and/or Club peer members, homework and Club activities. Members are expected to act responsibly and thoughtfully when using technology resources. Members bear the burden of responsibility to inquire with staff when they are unsure of the permissibility of a particular use of technology prior to engaging in its use. 

Authorized use: Club devices and personally owned devices are permitted for use during approved Club times for Club purposes and in approved locations only. The Club expressly prohibits the use of Club devices or personally owned devices in locker rooms, restrooms and other areas where there is an expectation of privacy. 

Appropriate use: Members may not use any technology to harass, threaten, demean, humiliate, intimidate, embarrass or annoy their peers or others in their community. Any inappropriate use of a Club or personally owned device, as determined by Club staff, can lead to disciplinary action including but not 40 limited to confiscation of the device, immediate suspension from the Club, termination of membership or other disciplinary actions determined to be appropriate to the Club’s existing disciplinary policies including, if applicable, referral to local law enforcement. 

Monitoring and inspection: Boys & Girls Club of Cape Cod reserves the right to monitor, inspect, copy and review any personally owned device that is brought to the Club. Parents/guardians will be notified before such an inspection takes place and may be present, at their choice, during the inspection. Parents/guardians may refuse to allow such inspections. If so, the member may be barred from bringing personally owned devices to the Club in the future.

Appropriate Communication: Members must be aware of the appropriateness of communications when using Club or personally owned devices. Inappropriate communication is prohibited in any public or private messages, as well as material posted online. 

Inappropriate communication includes but is not limited to the following: 

• Obscene, profane, lewd, vulgar, rude, inflammatory, threatening or disrespectful language or images typed, posted or spoken by members; 

• Information that could cause damage to an individual or the Club community or create the danger of disruption of the Club environment; 

• Personal attacks, including prejudicial or discriminatory attacks; 

• Harassment (persistently acting in a manner that distresses or annoys another person) or stalking of others; 

• Knowingly or recklessly posting false or defamatory information about a person or organization; or 

• Communication that promotes the destruction of property, including the acquisition or creation of weapons or other destructive devices. 

If a member is told to stop sending communications, that member must cease the activity immediately.

Cyberbullying: Members may not utilize any technology to harass, threaten, demean, humiliate, intimidate, embarrass or annoy their peers or others in their community. This behavior is cyberbullying, which is defined as bullying that takes place using emerging technologies and devices. Any cyberbullying that is determined to disrupt the safety and/or well-being of the Club, Club members, Club staff or community is subject to disciplinary action. 

Examples of cyberbullying include, but are not limited to: 

• Harassing, threatening or hurtful text messages, emails or comments on social media. 

• Rumors sent by email or posted on social networking sites. 

• Embarrassing pictures, videos, websites or fake profiles. 

Personal Laptops & Computers: Members may not attempt to gain unauthorized access to the Club’s network, or to any other computer system through the Club’s network. This includes attempting to log in through another person’s account or accessing another person’s files. Members may not use the Club’s network to engage in any illegal act, including, but not limited to, arranging for the purchase or sale of alcohol, tobacco or other drugs; engaging in criminal activity; or threatening the safety of another person. Members may not make deliberate attempts to disrupt the computer system or destroy data by spreading computer viruses. 

Monitoring and inspection: Boys & Girls Clubs of Cape Cod reserves the right to monitor, inspect, copy and review files stored on Club-owned devices or networks. In addition, Boys & Girls Clubs of Cape Cod reserves the right to inspect and/or review personally owned devices that are brought to the Club. Parents/guardians will be notified before such an inspection takes place and may be present, at their choice, during the inspection. Parents/guardians may refuse to allow such inspections but the member may be barred from bringing personally owned devices to the Club in the future. 

Internet access: Personally owned devices used at the Club must access the internet via the Club’s content-filtered wireless network and are not permitted to directly connect to the internet through a phone network or other content service provider. Boys & Girls Club of Cape Cod reserves the right to monitor communication and internet traffic, and to manage, open or close access to specific online websites, portals, networks or other services. Members must follow Club procedures to access the Club’s internet service. 

Loss and damage: Members are responsible for keeping the personal device with them or in their backpacks at all times. Staff are not responsible for the security and/or condition of the member’s personal device. Furthermore, the Club shall not be liable for the loss, damage, misuse or theft of any personally owned device brought to the Club. 

Parental notification and responsibility: Boys & Girls Club of Cape Cod’s Technology Acceptable Use Policy restricts the access of inappropriate material, supervision of internet usage might not always be possible. Due to the wide range of material available on the internet, some material might not fit the particular values of members and/or their families. Because of this, it is not considered practical for Boys & Girls Club of Cape Cod to monitor and enforce a wide range of social values in student use of the internet. If parents/guardians do not want members to access information beyond the scope of the Technology Acceptable Use Policy, they should instruct members not to access such materials.

Members Discipline Policy

The Boys & Girls Club strives to keep the consequences for unacceptable behavior clear, appropriate and timely. The safety of all members is of utmost importance to us. Our standards, along with the expectation that all members use good common sense, exist to ensure that your child and every other child at the Club can safely enjoy the Club’s activities. Any member who disrupts programs or creates a dangerous situation will be disciplined appropriately, usually with a time out. Members who do not follow rules can expect to lose privileges and face consequences. First-time offenses are never excused as such and will be handled based on their severity. Parents will be called to remove any member who has failed to curb his or her disruptive behavior and/or is behaving in an aggressive or violent manor that creates a dangerous situation for themselves, fellow members, staff or visitors.

When a member is suspended, it is his/her responsibility to let you (the parent/guardian) know. A phone call will be made to you at the time of suspension. We will also complete a written suspension report that we will give to the member or to you, when you pick up your child in person. In some cases, a suspension report will be mailed to you if the situation dictates such a need.

Disciplinary actions may include, but are not limited to, the following:

▪Verbal Counseling


▪Suspension from Program Area

▪Loss of Club Privileges

▪Suspension (one day to two weeks)

▪Indefinite suspension (until the situation can be resolved or the parent/guardian is consulted)

▪Expulsion (i.e., permanent suspension)

▪Contacting the proper authorities

* Please note that any time a law is broken in or around the Boys & Girls Club or it is suspected that a Club member, parent or guest has broken the law, the police will be notified immediately. The Boys & Girls Club is NOT a haven or refuge for those committing illegal acts or fleeing the authorities. Please do not show up at the Club with alcohol on your breath or impaired by drugs.

Members are expected to respond to discipline without incident. Failure to do so will almost always increase any action taken in time or severity. Staff members are trained and fully expected, by policy, to maintain full control of any situation that occurs in their program area and will NOT tolerate anything that threatens that control, in appearance and/or manner. Also, please understand that sometimes the story that gets home is not always complete or accurate. Children sometimes tend to explain an incident in a manner that will not implicate them or cast blame their way. In addition, staff members, though well trained and experienced, are human, so please call the Club if you have any questions at all concerning disciplinary measures or any other Club activity. Your support and involvement as the parent/guardian is vital to our success as youth development professionals. Please feel free to call the Club with concerns regarding your child’s behavior or any discipline that was taken.

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